
A question I often get from parents is, "Daily journaling is a great idea, and I can see how it could benefit my child. But I can’t even get them to brush their teeth every day, how do I help them get started with this daily journaling habit?” Here are 3 tips to help instill a daily journaling habit in kids.
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One of the most important jobs we do as a parent is build the characters of our children. Positive traits like compassion, kindness, confidence, growth mindset don’t magically appear overnight—they take practice, patience and gentle reinforcement. Try these 6 smart...
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Our mission to change one million kids' lives -- one journal at a time

Countless research have shown that when we journal, we are tapping into three authentic (self-authoring) powers. The Power of Now, as a way to enter into this present moment; the power of Gratitude, as a way to manifest life's goals and aspirations; and the Power of Reflection, as a way to learn from our mistakes and grow.

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