A question I often get from parents is, "Daily journaling is a great idea, and I can see how it could benefit my child. But I can’t even get them to brush their teeth every day, how do I help them get started with this daily journaling habit?” Here are 3 tips to help instill a daily journaling habit in kids.
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One of the most important jobs we do as a parent is build the characters of our children. Positive traits like compassion, kindness, confidence, growth mindset don’t magically appear overnight—they take practice, patience and gentle reinforcement. Try these 6 smart...
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Leadership4Kids Centering Exercise Audio Download (MP3) Script (Printable PDF) What is a “centering” exercise? Research shows mindfulness practice such as meditation improves decision making ability, focus, and memory. One of the first things you see on top of all the Leadership4Kids journals is the...
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When parents think of leadership skills for kids, they usually think of character traits like confidence, courage, persistence, grit, etc. One trait that doesn’t often make the list is “gratitude”. So how do we teach kids gratitude? Here are a few simple tips from Leadership4Kids you might find useful.
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Our mission to change one million kids' lives -- one journal at a time
Countless research have shown that when we journal, we are tapping into three authentic (self-authoring) powers. The Power of Now, as a way to enter into this present moment; the power of Gratitude, as a way to manifest life's goals and aspirations; and the Power of Reflection, as a way to learn from our mistakes and grow.